Friday, October 10, 2014

The First(s) at IABU

Here are some of the FIRSTs at Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch (IABU) :

1. First Director : Zulkifli Bahari (1996-1997)
2. First IABU's staff that became Institut Aminuddin Baki's Director : Dr. Ishak Sin (2003-2004)
3. First IABU's staff that became State Education Director : Tn. Hj. Abas Awang
4. First Excellent Lecturer (Pensyarah Cemerlang) : Tn. HjShahabudin Ashari (1997)
5. First IABU lecturer being awarded a doctoral degree : Dr. Sazali Yusoff (2005)
6. First ISO9000 Lead Auditors :  Nor Asikin Salleh &  Meriam Ismail (1996)
7. First supporting staff being awarded a bachelor's degree :  Arison Ali
8. First recipient of RCELAM's Roll of Honour : Datin Asariah Mior Shaharuddin (2009)
9. First participants stayed at IABU's Residence : 1st RCELAM 2009's participants
10. First retiree : Zulkifli Bahari (1997)

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Presenting a paper at Educational Management Conference for Principals of Kedah : 6 Aug. 2104, Taiping Perak

With Kedah Principal Council Committee Members : L-R ; Yusup, Abu Seman (President), Me, Hanie (co-presenter), Bohlender, Latifah & Turin

The title of my paper was 'Cabaran Pemimpin Pendidikan di Era Globalisasi : Analisis Makro Matlamat Pendidikan Sawarjagat' ( Education Leadership Challenges in the Era of Globalization : Macro analysis on World Education Objectives). The presentation begins briefly with the current world scenario from economic, poverty, literacy, health/sanitation, & education perspectives. It follows with provocative arguments on the 'traditional education system' versus 'entrepreneurial education system'.
A light chat with Hannie prior to presentation
Standardization, conformity, centralization, regimentation and rote-memorization were discussed deeply as well as the opposite perspective of education system such as democratization, flexibility, dececentralization, project/product-based learning. It ends with suggestions on how to transform the present schools to world class schools.
Presenting a paper
The evident of entrepreneurial-inclined approach of teaching success was then presented by Hannie who was considered as 'problematic with deviant behavior' during her school years but now a successful entrepreneur. She shared about her experience while in school and her formative years in entrepreneurship. More than 150 participants gave a standing ovation for both of us. Congratulation Hannie!!!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Professional Visit to Sydney Australia 7-12 June 2014

With Prof. Bhindi, Director, Australian Center for Educational Leadership - discussing on  Engaging aborigines for education

With Prof. Paul Chandler - Pro Vice Chancellor, University of Wollangong. In the middle is Jessica Gnata coordinator of this program

Prof. Paul presented a paper on School Improvement Program

Benchmarking visit to Al Malek Fahd International School, Sydney

Benchmarking Visit to Meriden Girl School, Sydney

Class in action at Al Malik Fahd School

Monday, June 23, 2014

Diploma of Science with Education UPM 1982 - Physics Major

Standing L-R : Kharudin, Saad Samsi, Me, Aziz, Hudzairi, Ismail, Azman, Mohamad, Saad Jali, Zaid
Seating  (L-R): Rozali, Ramli, Azizah, Mazli, Hadip, Rahim
In Physics lab.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Head of Centre, Centre of Research, Evaluation & ICT Development

Receiving letter of appointment as Head of Centre, Centre of Research, Evaluation & ICT Development,  IAB Main Campus, Bandar Enstek, from the Director, Dato' Khairil Awang. Effective 16 May 2014

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Research Workshop

Facilitating a workshop on research activities for IAB senior lecturers at Kuala Lumpur International Hotel.
7 - 9 April 2014

Friday, April 4, 2014

Promotion to Grade DG54

Photo session with IAB's Director, Dato' Hj. Khairil Awang after receiving letter of promotion to Grade DG54.
Front row: L-R : Rahimi, Hamzah, Mohd Zanal (Branch Director, IABU), Dato' Khairil, Dr. Abdul Zubir (Deputy Branch Director, IABU), Dr. Sazali, Norihan
2nd Row, L-R : Elhammi, Dr. Balasandran, Mohd Rosidi, Nasaruddin
31 March 2014