Thursday, March 12, 2015

3rd ELLTA 2014

Presenting a paper on 'School culture, leadership and trust: A comparative study in Malaysia, Kazakhstan and South Africa' at 3rd ELLTA Conference 2014. 



Sazali Y., Thiyagarajan A., Maganat S., Aisham S., Nancy M. H. & Takalani S. M.

The aim of this research was to explore the relationship between school culture, instructional leadership and trust among teachers in Malaysia, Kazakhstan and South Africa, and to compare the results amongst these countries. A total of 422 teachers were selected conveniently for the study. The instruments used were School Culture Survey (Gruemert & Valentine, 1998), Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale, PIMPRS (Hallinger, 1987) and Trust Survey (Scott, 1981) which are all Likert-type scale with 1 to 5 points. The School Culture Survey has six dimensions; Collaborative leadership, teacher collaboration, professional development, unity of purpose, collegial support and learning partnership. The PIMPRS has three dimensions; defining the school program, managing instructional program and developing the school learning climate program whereas the Trust Survey is uni-dimensional instrument. Statistics used in the study were mean, standard deviation, t-test, anova and multiple regressions. The alpha Cronbach reliabilities test for the three instruments were between .870 and .978. Generally, school culture was found significantly correlated to instructional leadership and trust in all these countries. However, there were some similarities and differences in school culture dimensions that were correlated to instructional leadership and trust among the countries. The study also found insignificance difference in mean scores of all school culture’s and instructional leadership’s dimensions between Malaysia and Kazakhstan, but there was significance difference between Malaysia and South Africa, and between Kazakhstan and South Africa. It was also found that there was no significant difference in mean scores of trust between Malaysia and South Africa, but there were significant difference between Malaysia and Kazakhstan, and between South Africa and Kazakhstan.

Keywords: school culture, leadership, trust

With presenters from Kazakstan, Nigeria and Malaysia

ELLTA Gala Night : with Dr. Shahri and Prof. Dato' Dr. Ibrahim Bajunid

ELLTA Gala Night : With presenters from Lithunia and Japan

Presenting a paper

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