Thursday, March 12, 2015

13th ICAM 2006 - Lisbon, Portugal

13th Annual (2006)
International Conference on Advances in Management (ICAM)
c/o Center for Advanced Studies in Management
1574 Mallory Court
Bowling Green, KY 42103 , USA
Phone & Fax: 270-782-2601


March 21, 2006

Received with thanks 2006 ICAM Registration Fee (U.S.$400.00) from Dr. Sazali Yusoff, INSTITUT AMINUDDIN BAKI CAW. UTARA, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION

Afzal RahimPresident, ICAM
c/o Center for Advanced Studies in Management
1574 Mallory Court
Bowling Green , KY 42103 , USA
Phone & Fax: 270-782-2601

With presenters from New Zealand, South Korea, USA, Portugal

Mr. Afzal Rahim, the President of ICAM delivering his welcoming speech

Lisboa Central with underground metro public transportation

Tram that trespasses through city centre and nearby scenic hill overlooking Lisbon

One of the Lisboa landmark

3rd ELLTA 2014

Presenting a paper on 'School culture, leadership and trust: A comparative study in Malaysia, Kazakhstan and South Africa' at 3rd ELLTA Conference 2014. 



Sazali Y., Thiyagarajan A., Maganat S., Aisham S., Nancy M. H. & Takalani S. M.

The aim of this research was to explore the relationship between school culture, instructional leadership and trust among teachers in Malaysia, Kazakhstan and South Africa, and to compare the results amongst these countries. A total of 422 teachers were selected conveniently for the study. The instruments used were School Culture Survey (Gruemert & Valentine, 1998), Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale, PIMPRS (Hallinger, 1987) and Trust Survey (Scott, 1981) which are all Likert-type scale with 1 to 5 points. The School Culture Survey has six dimensions; Collaborative leadership, teacher collaboration, professional development, unity of purpose, collegial support and learning partnership. The PIMPRS has three dimensions; defining the school program, managing instructional program and developing the school learning climate program whereas the Trust Survey is uni-dimensional instrument. Statistics used in the study were mean, standard deviation, t-test, anova and multiple regressions. The alpha Cronbach reliabilities test for the three instruments were between .870 and .978. Generally, school culture was found significantly correlated to instructional leadership and trust in all these countries. However, there were some similarities and differences in school culture dimensions that were correlated to instructional leadership and trust among the countries. The study also found insignificance difference in mean scores of all school culture’s and instructional leadership’s dimensions between Malaysia and Kazakhstan, but there was significance difference between Malaysia and South Africa, and between Kazakhstan and South Africa. It was also found that there was no significant difference in mean scores of trust between Malaysia and South Africa, but there were significant difference between Malaysia and Kazakhstan, and between South Africa and Kazakhstan.

Keywords: school culture, leadership, trust

With presenters from Kazakstan, Nigeria and Malaysia

ELLTA Gala Night : with Dr. Shahri and Prof. Dato' Dr. Ibrahim Bajunid

ELLTA Gala Night : With presenters from Lithunia and Japan

Presenting a paper

Friday, March 6, 2015

CV - Long Version


Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Education
SEGi University
Kota Damansara

Tel : 04-  (Off.)
04-9161954 (Home)
019-4561958 (Mobile)
e-mail : 
blog :


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D). 2004
Faculty of Educational Studies,
University of Science Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
Major : Educational Management and Leadership
Research interests: School management and leadership
Thesis : The influence of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence towards teachers’ collective efficacy and school climate.
Supervisors : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zurida Ismail; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustapa Kassim

Master of Science (management). 1996
Graduate School, Northern University of Malaysia,
Major : Management
Thesis : The effectiveness of collegiality program in school management.
Supervisors : Faezah bt. Ismail & Dr. Lee Ong Kim

Bachelor of Science (Hons). 1988
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies,
University of Agriculture Malaysia.
Major : Physics
Final year project : Analysis of Reflected-Type Moisture Meter
Supervisor : Dr. Kaida bin Khalid

Diploma of Science with Education. 1982.
Faculty of Science and Environmental Studies,
University of Agriculture Malaysia.
Major : Physics and Education


1.  Ping Lyu & Sazali Yusoff. (2023). Acculturation Experiences of International Students from Sao Tome and Principe in China. Journal of International Students.

2.  Sazali, Y. (2018). Memimpin organisasi pendidikan. In Noor Miza, A. R., Sazali, Y. & Shaari, H. (Eds.), Pendidik dan Pendidikan : Isu dan pemikiran alaf baru. Penang : Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus

3.  Suzana Abd. Latiff and Sazali, Y. (2013). Leadership Development for Educational Leaders: An Integrated Model. Genting Highlands : Institut Aminuddin Baki.

4.  Sazali, Y. (2012). Doing Democracy in Education: Perspectives of Malaysian Principals. In Carr, P. R., Zyngier, D. & Pruyn, M. (Eds.), Can Educators Make a Difference? Experimenting with, and Experiencing, Democracy in Education. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA : Information Age Publishing.

5.  Nizam, M. N., Zakiah, N., Sazali, Y., & Mohd Sofian, O. F. (2009). Pembelajaran Pasukan dan Kepimpinan Pengetua Dalam Mewujudkan Organisasi Pembelajaran. Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan, 19 (2). 
6.  Amin, S., Sazali, Y., Ramli, Y., Razak, A. M., Rosnarizah., Rusmini, K. A. (2009). Kompetensi Berimpak Tinggi Pemimpin Sekolah Malaysia. Genting Highlands : Institut Aminuddin Baki.

7.  Sazali Yusoff. (2008). Tinjauan terhadap keterlibatan dan efikasi guru besar dalam pengurusan kewangan sekolah. Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan 18(2). 

8.  Sazali Yusoff, Rusmini Ku Ahmad, Abg Hut Abg Engkeh, & Zamri Abu Bakar. (2007). Perkaitan antara kepimpinan instruksional dengan sekolah berkesan. Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan 17(2) .

9.  Mohd. Sofian, O. F., Seng Lee, W. A. S., Sazali Y., Mohd Nizam N., Roslan S. (2007). Gaya Kepimpinan Jurulatih Di Peringkat Sekolah Menengah. Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan 17(2) .

10.  Sazali Yusoff. (2006). The relationship between principals’ self-efficacy and schools’ factors. Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan 16(1) .

11.  Sazali Yusoff. (2006). School principal self-efficacy and its relationship with schools and principals personal attributes. The Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management Proceeding.

12.  Sazali Yusoff, Zurida Ismail, & Mustapa Kassim. (2004). Pengaruh efikasi kendiri guru besar terhadap sekolah berkesan. Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan 14(1). 

13.  Sazali Yusoff, Zurida Ismail, & Mustapa Kassim. (2002). Efikasi-kendiri guru besar – Suatu penerokaan dan pembinaan instrumen. Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan.

Editorial Board / Editorial Advisory Board

1.     International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection. Institute of Education, Lahore College for Women University. Lahore, Pakistan. Issue 1 Volume 1. June 2016

2.    International Conference on Society of Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities Proceeding, 2016. Academic Fora. Osaka, Japan
3.   Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences. Abaysn University, Pakistan. 2014.   

4.    Management Research Journal Vol. 1 Issue 1/2011. ISSN 2232-0660. Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjung Malim. Malaysia.

5.    Book "Pengurusan Projek Berasaskan Sekolah". (2009). Institut Aminuddin Baki.

6.    Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan, Institut Aminuddin Baki. 2004 - 2006

7.    Book of “Amalan-Amalan Terbaik Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Sekolah Kebangsaan Malaysia”. 2005. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Genting Highlands

8.    Book of “Amalan-Amalan Terbaik Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Sekolah Menengah Malaysia”. 2005. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia, Genting Highlands

9.     Malaysian Principalship Standard. 2006. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Genting Highlands, Ministry of Education Malaysia

Journal Article Reviewer

1.     Journal of Teaching and Teacher Education, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain, 2014 - 2017.

2.    Jurnal Pendidik dan Pendidikan. Faculty of Educational Studies, University of Science Malaysia, Pulau Pinang. 2005.  (

Ph.D. External Examiner

1.   Tashkent State Pedagogical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan (2016, 2017)

2.   Meston College of Education, University of Madras, India (2014).
3.   Open University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (2018/2024)
4.  Lahore College for Women University, Lahore Pakistan
5.  University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan (2023)

Successfully mentored and produced PhD Students

1. Lyu Ping, China (2023)
2. Wei Wei, China (2023)


1.         1st International Conference on Education. Lifelong Learning. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan. 4 Nov 2016.
2.         Mathematic, Science and Computer Science Education International Seminar. Science Education : Trends, Issues and Challenges. Universiti Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. October 2016.
3.    International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education. Mathematics and Science Education : Trends and Challenges. Universiti Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung. April 2016.

Invited Speaker
1.   Faculty of Education, Near East University, Cyprus (2015). Academic Visibility, Trust and Leadership. Professional Talks for Faculty of Education lecturers and post graduate students.

Training Modules’ Panel

1. Competency-Based Training and Development Workshop for Capacity Building of Omani Educational Leaders. 2008. A Malaysia-Oman Bilateral Program. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia. (Course duration : 2 weeks).

2. School-Based Project Management for Special Programme for Headmasters Graduation (PKPGB). 2008. A twinning programme between Institut Aminuddi Baki and 10 local universities. (Course duration : 1 semester).

3. Management Course for School Supervisors. 2005. UNESCO programme for G15 countries. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia. (Course duration : 2 weeks).

4. Educational Management and Leadership Course for school head-masters and principals. 1996 - present. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia. (course duration : 4 weeks).

5. National Professional Qualification for Headship Programme. (NPQH). 1999 and 2003 - present. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia. (course duration : 1 year).

6. Competency Level Assessment Course for head-masters and principals. 2003. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia. (course duration : 2 weeks).

7. Diploma of Human Resource Management.1997. (course duration : 4 months). Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia.

8. Diploma of Educational Leadership.1997. (course duration : 4 months). Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia.

9. Mathematics Learning for Slow Learners – Form 1 Module.1994. Curriculum Development Center, Ministry of Education Malaysia.

10. Teaching of Science and Mathematics by Cooperative Learning Approach. 1994. Perak State Department of Education, Ministry of Education Malaysia.



1. Sazali, Y., Ahmad Sukari, M., Abdul Razak, O. & Siti Rohani, M. Z. (2017). The Primary School Administrators’ Understanding Of The Concept Of The Jiwa Educator. Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Exploring Learning and Leadership Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Bangkok, Thailand.

2.        Sazali, Y., Mohamad Nasir, O., & Auzait, S. (2017). Classroom Improvement Program : Lecturer Attachment Scheme (CLiPLAS). Paper presented at 4th International Conference on Exploring Learning and Leadership Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Bangkok, Thailand.

3. Sazali, Y., Ahmad Sukari, M., Abdul Razak, O. & Siti Rohani, M. Z. (2016). Model of Jiwa Pendidik : A new perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Teacher Learning and Development. Penang, Malaysia.

4. Sazali, Y. (2016). Capacity-building Group (KuBU) : An approach to enhance Professionalism among Institut Aminuddin Baki Lecturers. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Management in 21st Century. St. Aloysius College, Mangalore, India.

5. Ahmed, M., Visal, M., & Sazali, Y. (2015). The influence of organizational culture on instructional leadership and trust in Maldivian Schools. Paper presented at the 4th Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM). Genting Highlands, Malaysia.

6. Sazali, Y., Thiyagarajan, A., Maganat, S., Aisham, S., Nancy, M.H., & Mashaau, T.S. (2014). School culture, leadership and trust :  A comparative study in Malaysian, Kazakhstan and South African schools. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Penang, Malaysia.

7. Sazali, Y. & Thiyagarajan, A. (2013). The relationship of School Culture towards Instructional Leadership and Trust : Malaysian Teachers’ Perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM). Genting Highlands, Malaysia.

8. Sazali, Y. & Thiyagarajan, A. (2012). School culture, leadership and trust among Malaysian schools. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Langkawi, Malaysia.

9. Sazali, Y. (2011). Principalship readiness among Malaysian senior teachers. Paper presented at the International Conference on Elevating Learning (ICEL). Ahmedabad, India.

10. Suzana, A. L. & Sazali, Y. (2011). Leadership Competency Development : An Integrated Model. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Penang, Malaysia.

11. Sazali, Y.; Amran, M. & Suzana, A. L. (2011). Global Doing Democracy in Education. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Penang, Malaysia.

12. Sazali, Y. & Norihan, A. (2010). Menjana Kepimpinan Pendidikan Global. Paper presented at Kedah Primary Education Convention. Jitra, Kedah, Malaysia.

13. Sazali Yusoff. (2009). The relationship between headmasters' competency and school success. Paper presented at the 1st Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM). Jitra, Kedah

14. Amin Senin, Sazali, Y., Abd Razak, M., Rusmini, K. A., Rosnarizah, A. H. (2008). Kajian Kompetensi Berimpak Tinggi bagi Pemimpin Sekolah. Seminar Nasional Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan Ke-15. Genting Highlands, Malaysia.

15. Sazali, Y., Rusmini K. A., Abang Hut, A. E., & Zamri A. B. (October, 2007). Amalan kepimpinan instruksional guru besar. Paper presented at National Colloqium on Instructional Leadership. IAB Cawangan Utara, Jitra, Kedah.

16. Sazali Yusoff. (July, 2006). School principals’ self-efficacy and its relationship with schools’ and principals’ personal attributes. Paper presented at the 13th International Conference on Advances in Management. Lisbon, Portugal.

17. Sazali Yusoff. (December, 2006). Kecerdasan Emosi Guru Besar. Paper presented at Seminar Kabangsaan Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan Ke-13. Genting Highlands, Malaysia.

18. Sazali Yusoff, Zurida Ismail, & Mustapa Kassim. (July, 2005). The influence of headmasters’ self-efficacy and emotional intelligence toward teachers’ collective efficacy and school climate. Paper presented at the International Conference on Internet, Processing, System, Interdisciplinary Research (IPSI), Pescara, Italy.

19. Sazali Yusoff, Zurida Ismail, & Mustapa Kassim. (December, 2002). Efikasi-kendiri guru besar – Suatu penerokaan dan pembinaan instrumen. Paper presented at the Seminar Kebangsaan Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan Ke-11. KLIA, Sepang, Selangor.

20. Sazali Yusoff. (September, 1997).  Keberkesanan Program Jiran Cemerlang JPN Perak. Paper presented at the National Colloqium of IAB Twinning Programme. Genting Highlands

21. Sazali Yusoff, Manoharan, K., Rosnani, I., Zalina, O.  (August, 1996). Keberkesanan Pelaksanaan Mata Pelajaran Sains & Matematik KBSM. Paper presented at the Seminar Kebangsaan Penilaian KBSM. Genting Highlands.

22. Sazali Yusoff, (August, 1996). Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Matematik dengan Kaedah Pembelajaran Koperatif.  Paper presented at the Seminar Kebangsaan Penilaian KBSM. Genting Highlands.


    2018 - 2020 : i )  Educational Administration Course for Ed.D. Program. Open University of Malaysia
                         ii)  Comparative Education Course for M.Ed. Program. Open University of Malaysia.

    2008 : School-Based Project Management Course. As a lecturer for a Special Program for Headmasters Graduation (PKPGB).

    2000 : Child Development Course. University of Science Malaysia. As a tutor for first year student of Bachelor of Education program.

    1997 : Human ResourceManagement. Northern University of Malaysia. As a lecturer for Master of Management Science IAB-UUM Twinning Program.

    1987/88 : Physics Method : University of Agriculture Malaysia. As a demonstrator/tutor for first and second year student of Bachelor of Science programme

    1981/82 : Physics method. University of Agriculture Malaysia. As a demonstrator/tutor for first year student of Diploma of Science with Education programme.


    July 2015 - present : Director, Institute of Teacher Education Tuanku Bainun Campus, Bukit Mertajam, Penang, Malaysia.

    May 2014 – June 2015 : Head of Centre, Centre of Research, Evaluation and ICT, Institut Aminuddin Baki Main Campus, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.

    Nov. 2012 – May 2014 : Senior Lecturer, Department of Staff Development and International Relationship. Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch. Ministry of Education Malaysia.

    Nov. 2010 – Oct. 2012 : Senior Lecturer, Department of Research and Development. Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch. Ministry of Education Malaysia.

    Jan. 2010 – Nov. 2010 : Head of Department, Department of Research and Development. Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch, Ministry of Education Malaysia.

    Jan 2008 – Dec. 2009 : Head of Department, Department of Quality Management. Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch, Ministry of Education Malaysia.

    May 2005 – Dec 2007 : Head of Department, Department of Office Administration and Financial Management Training. Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch, Ministry of Education Malaysia.

    May 1996 – Dec 1999 & June 2003 – May 2005 : Senior Lecturer, Institut Aminuddin Baki Northern Branch. Ministry of Education Malaysia.

    Feb. 1993 – Dec. 1994 & Jan - April 1996 : Curriculum Officer. Perak State Education Department.

    July 1990 – Jan 1993 : Khir Johari Secondary School, Tg Malim. Perak. Physics teacher for form four, five and six.

    May 1988 – June 1990 : Slim Secondary School, Slim River, Perak. Mathematics teacher for form four and five.

    Aug 1982 – June 1986 : Mahmud Secondary School, Raub, Pahang. Physics teacher for form four and five.


    Professional Membership

    Distinguished Associate, Institute of Educational Leadership, University of Malaya. 2015

    Secretary-General, Malaysian Society for Educational Administration and Management. 2009 – present.

    Assistance Secretary-General, Malaysian Society for Educational Administration and Management. 1997-2000

    Professional Development

    1. Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring for School Improvement Programme. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Ministry of Education Malaysia. June 2010.

    2. Certificate in Leadership Enhancement and Wellness. Institut Aminuddin Baki, Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. May 2008. (course duration = 4 days)

    3. Certificate in designing, presenting, and facilitating powerful learning from Paideia Consulting Group, Inc. Canada. September 2007. (course duration = 5 days).

    4. Certificate in Structural Equation Modelling Using AMOS in Educational Research from SPSS Malaysia. 2006. (course duration : 2 days)

    5. Certificate in ISO 9000:2000 Lead Auditor Training from Moody International Certification (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. 2004. (course duration = 1 week).

    6. Diploma in Translation from Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia (ITNM) 1998. (course duration = 2 weeks)

    7. Certificate in ISO 9000: 1994 Lead Auditor Training from QPIC Consultants Sdn. Bhd.

    8. Certificate in Human Resource Development from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996. (course duration = 2 weeks)

    9. Certificate in Nationhood Course from Biro Tatanegara, Jabatan Perdana Menteri, 1994. (course duration = 1 week)

    10. Certificate in Computer in Education from Institut Aminuddin Baki, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 1992. (course duration = 3 months)

    11. Certificate in Testing and Measurement from Institut Aminuddin Baki, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 1989. (course duration = 3 months)

    International Conferences/Seminars Attended

    1.     4th International Conference on Exploring Learning and Leadership Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Bangkok, Thailand. 25 - 27 July 2017

    2.      1st International Education Conference, LCWU, Lahore Pakistan. 2 - 4 Nov. 2016

    3.       3rd International Conference on Teacher Education and Development 2016 (ICTLD). Penang, Malaysia. 28 - 30 Nov.2016

    4.       Mathematics, Science and Computer Science Education International Seminar, Bandung, Indonesia 15 Oct 2016
    5.       International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education which was held at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,  Bandung on 30 April 2016

    6.       3rd International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Penang, 17 - 19 Nov. 2014. Malaysia.

    7.         Mini-Seminar on School Improvement. University of Wollangong. 11 June 2014. Sydney, Australia.

    8.        3rd Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM). Genting Highlands, Malaysia. 19 -21 Nov. 2013

    9.      2nd International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Langkawi, 11 – 13 Dec. 2012. Malaysia. .

    10.      International Conference on Elevating Learning (ICEL). Ahmedabad, India. 3 – 4 Dec. 2011.

    11.      2nd Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM). Jitra, Malaysia. 4 -7 July 2011.

    12.      1st International Conference on Exploring Leadership and Learning Theories in Asia (ELLTA). Penang, Malaysia. 15 - 17 February 2011.

    13.      The 23rd International Congress on School Effectiveness and Improvement Conference. Kuala Lumpur. 4-8 January 2010.

    14.      1st Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM). Jitra, Malaysia. 10 – 12 November 2009.

    15.      The 2nd South East Asia School Principals' Forum Conference. Penang, Malaysia. 25-27 June 2009.

    16.      The Thirteenth Annual International Conference on Advances in Management, Lisbon, Portugal. July, 2006.

    17.      International Conference on Internet, Processing, System, and Interdisciplinary Research (IPSI), Pescara, Italy, July 2005.

    18.       ANTRIEP Seminar on improving school management, Manila, Phillipine, July 2004.

    19.       International Conference on Globalization and Multicultural Perspectives In Education, Penang, December 2003.

    20.       International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation on Education (ICMEE), Penang, December 2001.

    21.       The 1st Asean/Asian Symposium on Educational Management and Leadership, (ASEMAL 1), Genting Highlands, July 1997.

    22.       Commonwealth Council on Educational Administration Conference (CCEA), Kuala Lumpur, July, 1996.


    1. Teaching team for 
    2. Teaching team for “Strategic Thinking Skills for Educational Leaders” for Malaysian Technical Cooperation Program (MTCP). June 2015
    3. Traning Need Analysis and Course Module Development for Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). 2015
    4. Teaching team for “Competency-Based Training and Development Workshop for Capacity Building of Omani Educational Leaders. A Malaysia-Omani bilateral program. The workshop was held at Institut Aminuddin Baki in August 2008.
    5. Teaching team for “Management Course for School Supervisors” program. A UNESCO program for participants from G15 countries. The course was held at Institut Aminuddin Baki on October 2005.
    6. Towering School Program for National Primary Schools. Four schools ; SK Seri Negeri, SK Kuah, SK Klebang, and SK Kedawang, Pulau Langkawi. 2006.
    7. Implementation of MS ISO 9001:2000 for 40 primary schools in Perak. 2005.
    8. Implementation of MS ISO 9001:2000 for 40 secondary schools in Perak. 2005.
    9. Implementation of MS ISO 9001:1994. Onkyo Factory, Jitra, Kedah, 2000.
    10. Implementation of MS ISO 9001:1994. NT Rubber Factory, Jitra, Kedah, 2000.
    11. Implementation of MS ISO 9001:1994. SMK Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh, Perak. 1998.


    1. IABU Quality Day (2011) : Won the “Exemplary Staff of the Year” award. 
    2. IABU Quality Day (2010) : Won excellent award in Research category. 
    3. IABU Quality Day (2009) : Won excellent award in Research category. 
    4. IABU Quality Day (2008) : Won excellent award in Research category. 
    5. Certified Trainer for National Professional Qualification for Headship. 2008. 
    6. Excellence Service Award (2007). Ministry of Education Malaysia 
    7. Won the Director-General of Education Award in the National Quality Control Circle (KMK) Convention, 2007. Role as Team Leader for IAB’s team.


    1. Secretary for 3rd  Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM) 2013.
    2. Secretary for IAB’s International and Benchmarking Visit to Spain Program.  April 2013
    3. Panel of Jury for National Convention of Action Research for Malaysian High Performing Schools. Mac 2012.
    4. Asst. Secretary for IAB’s International and Benchmarking Visit to Uzbekistan Program. February 2012.
    5. Secretary for 2nd Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM) 2011.
    6. Secretary for IAB’s International and benchmarking Visit to Sarajevo-Istanbul Program. 2010.
    7. Panel of Interviewer for Ministry of Education Post-Graduate Scholarship Award. (2007 – 2009)
    8. Secretary for 1st Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM) 2009.
    9. Secretary for IAB’s International and Benchmarking  Visit to Jakarta-Bali Program. 2009.
    10. Panel of Jury for National Convention  of  Quality Control Circle for Veterinary Department, Malaysia. (2008).

    Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Ahmad Bajunid, Deputy President/Deputy Vice Chancellor
    INTI University College, Malaysia.

    Dr. Amin Senin. Deputy Director-General of Education Malaysia, Putrajaya.

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustapa bin Kassim, Director, Institute of Tun Mahathir Mohammad Thought, Northern University of Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah.

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zurida binti Ismail, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Educational Studies,
    University of Science Malaysia.