Dato' Ahamad Sipon. He stressed on the importance of continuous professional development of educational leaders in order to better understand the macro and micro structure of the education system. He also discussed at length on the roles, dispositions, attitude of the school leaders.
Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Abdul Rahman Arshad. He was passionately believe in the equity of education. Leaders should be able to identify the needs of the needy and think creatively in providing quality education to these disadvantage groups. He also pointed out that in order to be good leaders, one should put self-interest aside, and must focus on big picture of nation-building.
Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Wan Zahid bin Mohd Nordin : His ideas of leadership were focussed on how to manage change initiatives. Among the most important leadership attributes that he believed can bring about change effectively were 'clarity of role', 'leadership readiness", "task-focus", "commitment", "passion", "knowledge", "risk-taker", "courage", "engaging the stakeholders (politicians/NGOs)" and "self-confidence". He also stressed on two values that leaders should believe and subscribe on, i.e. "that all teachers are good" and " that all students can learn".

Tan Sri Dato' Alimuddin Md Dom : Emphasis is on school leadership that can maintain status quo. To him school leadership is about the art of influencing teachers to do their jobs effectively. Principals/Headmasters must be able to manage and administer school diligently in accordance with the standard procedures, rules and regulations.
Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Abdul Shukor Abdullah : School effectiveness is a function of leadership, and school leaders must continuously seek and enhance their knowledge through formal and informal self-development. He stressed on the importance of understanding the leadership theories that can helps leaders to make significant change in their schools.