Involvement in this program had given me the insight of how to uplift the academic achievement for these remote and underprivileged children. Many factors accounted for the low performance of these schools which include school leadership, teachers' factors, monitoring system at district/state level and obviously the environment. I will discuss on the school leadership factor first.
RPS Banun Primary School, Gerik, Perak, Malaysia
1. Leadership : All headmasters in these schools are new and it was their first appointment to be a leader thus they have inadequate experience & knowledge particularly leading the underprivileged schools. Their accumulated prior experiences as teachers & senior teachers could not help much because there are huge gap in term of human capital, infrastructure, school environment, & surrounding community between their former schools and the present ones.
2. Teachers : Most of the teachers are young, energetic, enthusiastic but lack of experience since it is their first posting as teachers. They experienced cultural shock because the theories that they learnt at university/college could not be applied effectively. They also find difficulty in adjusting themselves within school and the surrounding community.
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