Keynote Speaker 1 : Emeritus Prof. Dr. John MacBeath, Cambridge University, England. |
Keynote Speaker 2 : Tan Sri Yahaya Ibrahim, Malaysia |
Keynote Speaker 3 : Emeritus Prof. Dato' Dr. Ibrahim Bajunid, Malaysia |
Presenter from India : Prof. Dr. Kannapan Jayaraman |
Presenter from Kazakhstan : Dr. Maganat, KIMEP University, Almaty |
Prof. Dr. Ramlee Mustaffa from UPSI, Malaysia |
Presenter from Pakistan : Ms. Shabana Tunio |
Presenter from Malaysia : Ms Inas Zulkipli |
L-R: Zanal (IAB Northern Branch Director), Emeritus Prof. Dato' Dr. Ibrahim, Emeritus Prof. Dr. John MacBeath, Dato' Dr. Amin Senin (Deputy Director-General of Education Malaysia), Serina (IAB's Director), Abd Razak (IAB Genting Highlands Branch Director), Lew Yeok Leng (IAB Sabah Branch Director), Me |
With colleagues from Maldives Visal and Ahmed (3rd & 4th from left), and Suzana RCELAM Secretariat. |
Ahmed Mohamed*, Visal Moosa, Sazali Yusoff[3]
entail instructional leadership where several people interact from diverse
cultures. This research attempts to
explore the relationship between organizational culture, instructional
leadership and trust among teachers in schools of Maldives. The instruments
used were School Culture Survey (Gruemert & Valentine, 1998), Principal
Instructional Management Rating Scale, PIMPRS (Hallinger, 1987) and Trust
Survey (Scott, 1981) which are Likert-type scale with 1 to 5 points. The School
Culture Survey has six dimensions; Collaborative leadership, teacher
collaboration, professional development, unity of purpose, collegial support
and learning partnership. The PIMPRS has three dimensions, whereas the Trust
Survey is uni-dimensional instrument. A total of 145 teachers were selected
conveniently for the study. The data were statistically analysed using
descriptive and inferential statistics. The result showed that one dimension of
School Culture – “professional development” - was significantly correlated to
three dimensions of instructional leadership. Also, “collaborative leadership”
and “unity of purpose” dimensions of school culture were significantly correlated
with two dimensions of instructional leadership. The findings indicated that
dimensions of school culture – “collaborative leadership” and “collegial
support” – were significantly correlated with Trust. The other two school
culture dimensions – “teacher collaboration” and “learning partnership” - did
not influence significantly to both Instructional Leadership and Trust.
However, the study revealed that all dimensions of instructional leadership
were significantly correlated with trust. Based on the statistical results,
implications of the findings were discussed in the context of school culture,
leadership and trust. Consequently, suggestions for future research were also
Key words: school culture, leadership,
Institut Aminuddin Baki (IAB), Ministry of
Education Malaysia