Tuesday, November 8, 2016

SEAMEO QITEP in Science, Bandung Indonesia

14 Oct. 2016 Friday

I was invited by SEAMEO QITEP Bandung to become one of the judge of Ki Hajar Dewantara Best Science Teacher Award in Southeast Asia. (http://www.qitepinscience.org/?p=5662)
The Director of SEAMEO QITEP in Science, Bandung, Indonesia

Judging in the process

Judges (seated) and Southeast Asia Science Teacher

Judges L-R: Me, Singapore, Indonesia, Phillipine, Brunei, SEAMEO QITEP Director, MOE Indonesia, Deputy Director SEAMEO QITEP, USA, Indonesia

Questions to teacher
Meeting of the Judges

The winner of Best Science Teacher Award in Southeast Asia. Lee Saw Im from Malaysia
2nd Place: from Singapore
3rd Place from Indonesia

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